經過重大變化林業法在印度尼西亞,一個開創性的舉措,使保護並恢復蘇門答臘其餘乾燥低地雨林成為可能。 該措施是由印尼coalition of Burung Indonesia策劃和推行超過5年以上,爲保護與再生蘇門達臘島10.1萬公頃的低地森林區塊,在皇家鳥類保護協會(英國皇家學會保護鳥類,英國)國際鳥類組織與國際鳥類夥伴的支持下,將劃設印度尼西亞的首座“森林生態系恢復特區“。
這座新命名為"Harapan Rainforest "的雨林,過去可能是因為種植木材或生產油棕而被大量的砍伐。這種種植方式和天然森林相較,明顯地減少生物多樣性價值同時極度限制生態系效能。 這座被稱為'Harapan Rainforest’的森林 代表印尼文的'希望之森' 。
Indonesia's first “Restoration Forest” gives hope to last rainforests in Sumatra
02-04-2007Jakarta, Indonesia:
Following a major change in forestry law in Indonesia, a ground-breaking initiative to protect and restore an area of Sumatra’s remaining dry lowland rainforest has now been made possible.The initiative, planned and pursued for over five years by the coalition of Burung Indonesia, the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK) and BirdLife International, with support from BirdLife Partners, [1] will establish Indonesia’s first “forest ecosystem restoration concession” for the conservation and regeneration of a 101,000 hectares forest block in the lowlands of the island of Sumatra. The newly named Harapan Rainforest is in an area that was likely to be felled and replaced by plantations for timber or oil palm production. Such plantations clearly have less biodiversity value and extremely limited ecosystem services compared to natural forests. The forest is called ‘Harapan Rainforest’ after the Indonesian word for ‘hope’
UK to dispose of radioactive plutonium stockpile
The government says it will dispose of its 140 tonnes of radioactive
plutonium - currently stored at Sellafield.
6 小時前