印度尼西亞環境法中心(Indonesia Center for Environmental Law,ICEL)成立於1993年,由Mas Achmad Santosa、Mochamad Zaidun、Sandra Moniaga、Benny K. Harman和Wahyuni Bahar5人創始。
當時,印尼在經濟發展狀況期間,新秩序的時代(the New Order era)是非常傾向對自然資源的開發和環境剝削,然而仰賴這些自然資源維生的公眾的利益卻被擱置。
這是創始人從經驗而來的靈感,那時他是倡導環境法議題的公益律師。 Achmad Santosa, Mochamad Zaidun and Benny K. Harman是印尼法律服務基金會(Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI)) 的活躍份子,也是之後在國家級的印尼環境論壇(Indonesian Forum on the Environment (WALHI))主席團(Mas Achmad Santosa and Mochamad Zaidun)裡的風雲人物。Meanwhile, Sandra Moniaga 是WALHI 率先主導環境法計畫的活躍份子。Wahyuni Bahar,儘管在民間社會部門沒有經驗, 支持成立ICEL作為一個側重於環境法和能夠影響政府的政策走向環境保護專業的非政府組織。基於這些原因,ICEL希望在當時他們的活動可以協同法律扶助與環境兩個主要的勢力,法律援助和環境事務的倡議。
當時ICEL成立,其任務包括政策改革(policy reform)和能力建設 (capacity building.)。 ICEL被要求確定法律的需要和政策改革、法律研究,並制定支持公眾的利益的替代法案與政策的規劃。此外,政府官員、公眾、民間社會的理解接受度必須加強,才能創造一個環境正義的現實世界。
國家:印尼( Indonesia)
地址:Jl. Dempo II No. 21, Kebayoran Baru City, Postal: DKI Jakarta 12120
電話:62-21-7262740;62-21- 7233390
1.原文資料來源. accessinitiative
亞洲環境守法與執法網絡AECEN NEWS, (Asian Enviromental Compliance And Enforcement Network;AECEN )
全球教育(Global Education)
Protecting the environment Training in environmental law in Indonesia
世界環境法律聯盟e-Law-Enviormental Law Alliance Worldwide Working Exchange Fellows: Nepal, Indonesia, Honduras
環保法規執行國際網絡(International Network for Enviromental Compliance Enforcement)之亞太新聞
INECE EPC Member Leads Effort To Create Environmental Ombudsman in Philippines
This inspiration was based on the experience of the founders, whom at that time were public-interest lawyers advocating environmental law issues. Mas Achmad Santosa, Mochamad Zaidun and Benny K. Harman were activists from the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) – which later on (Mas Achmad Santosa and Mochamad Zaidun) were the presidium of Indonesian Forum on the Environment (WALHI) in the national level.
Meanwhile, Sandra Moniaga was an environmental activist from WALHI which pioneered the environmental law program in WALHI. Wahyuni Bahar, despite having no experience in the civil society sector, supports the founding of ICEL as a non-governmental organization which focuses on environmental law and can influence the government’s policies towards environmental protection professionally. Based on these reasons, ICEL hopes that its activities can synergize the two main powers at the time, legal aid and environmental advocacy.
At the time ICEL was founded, its mission includes policy reform and capacity building. ICEL was required to identify the needs of legal and policy reform, legal research, and the formulation of alternative legislations and policies that supports the public’s interests. Moreover, the capacity of government officials, the public and civil societies have to be strengthened to make environmental justice a reality.
Street: Jl. Dempo II No. 21, Kebayoran Baru City, Postal: DKI Jakarta 12120
Phone: 62-21-7262740, 7233390